Ordering at coloplaststore.in is easy. For more details, visit this page and follow the steps.
Do I need to create an account on coloplaststore.in to place an order?
No, it’s not a mandate to create an account for placing order on coloplaststore.in. However, we recommend you to create an account before placing an order. It will provide benefits like loyalty points and special offers to registered consumers.
My email address has changed. How do I update this information on my current account?
Click on ‘My Account’, enter your username and the password and login to your account. Click Account Information and change the displayed email address and save the record.
What is the benefit of creating an account on coloplaststore.in?
There are various benefits of creating an account on coloplaststore.in, some of the benefits are loyalty points, marketing information on promotions and products, special offers to registered customers.
We are here to help you
If you have a request or complaint on one of our products, tell us about it and we will do all we can to help.